
Showing posts from June, 2018

Friday Morning Ride


Wednesday Morning Ride

A short ride today as I didn't get out as early as I would have liked (lack of motivation) and a fairly stout headwind had picked up on the outward leg.  On a positive note, did hit a PR on one segment and am only 13 seconds away from my goal on that one!

Monday Morning Ride

It was a warm and humid morning on today's ride.  There was a pretty good overcast with a slight SW breeze.  The ride wasn't bad but wasn't my best either.  An "OK" day overall. 

Saturday Morning Ride

An out and back ride to end the week.  There was a decent (for East Texas) headwind on the outbound leg which turned into a nicer tailwind on the way back.   Still a little fatigued from the previous long workout.

Thursday Morning Ride

First back-to-back days riding this year and I'm a bit tuckered out.  Overall, it was a good ride but I hammered this one a little harder than the last couple of days.  The pavement was still wet in places from the last couple of days of rain, but it wasn't hazardous.  Temps were good, but the humidity was pretty high. Here's a time-lapse video of the ride. 

Wednesday Morning Ride

I missed yesterday's ride due to rain so got back on the bike today.  It was overcast when I left but the rain started about half-way through the ride.  It wasn't bad but did slow me down a bit.

Sunday Morning Ride

The rain that was called for this morning did not materialize so I was able to get in a longer workout.   I got quite tired on the return leg as it was much hillier than the outbound leg.

Friday Morning Ride

Good ride today.  I did a longer out and back in anticipation of forecasted rain on Sunday which may keep me off the bike.  Doing this allowed me to meet my 30-mile weekly goal.  If I can go on Sunday, I'll cut into the deficit I have for my yearly goal. Videoed the whole ride in real- time but the battery ran out about 43 minutes into the ride.

Wednesday Morning Ride

Good ride but I forgot to turn on the bike computer for the first mile!

Monday Morning Ride

Good workout this morning. Here's a time-lapse video that was taken from a camera on the front of the bike. 

Saturday Morning Workout

An out and back with a flat tire!

Thursday Morning Workout

Tuesday Morning Ride

Sunday Morning Ride

First ride back after a two-month hiatus.  Althought I'll be a bit stiff and sore tomorrow, it was a good ride.