
Showing posts from January, 2017

Day 31- Review

How do I Feel? Well, this is the last full day of the strict diet.  Read on for more details about future plans. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Oops! I didn't have breakfast this morning.  Just a cup of tea with a little honey. Lunch - Leftover Buffalo Chicken Soup

Day 30 - Review

How do I Feel? Still feeling the cold today, although it wasn't as bad as yesterday.  Only one more day of diet (and daily blog posts) after this.  Read on for more details.

Day 29 - Review

How do I Feel? A very lazy day today for me.  Read on for more details.

Day 28 - Review

How do I Feel? This was kind of a lazy day and I didn't get after it too hard.  Read on for more details.

Day 27 - Review

How do I Feel? It was a tiring day, but not because of anything I ate. Read on for more details.

Day 26 - Review

How do I Feel? Well, I guess yesterday was for real.  Read on for more details

Day 25 - Review

How do I Feel? I was cold for much of the day, even though it's not very cold here.  Read on for more details.

Day 24 - Review

How do I Feel? Maybe my toughest day yet.  Read on for more details.

Day 23 - Review

How do I Feel? Another "yo-yo" day with a lot of hunger in the afternoon.  Read on for more details.

Day 22 - Review

How do I Feel? This was a tough day!  Lots of hunger in the afternoon.  But we had a new dinner and it was good. Read on for more details.

Day 21 - Review

How do I Feel? A little backslide today, but a new keeper for dinner.  Read on for more details.

Day 20 - Review

How do I Feel?

Day 19 - Review

How do I Feel? It was a cold, rainy day here in Tennessee and I struggled to maintain warmth.  On the food side, I had a case of the munchies in the afternoon.  Read on for more details.

Day 18 - Review

How do I Feel? Today wasn't bad at all.  Read on for more information. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

Day 17 - Review

How do I Feel? As I write this post around 9:00 PM, I have one, overwhelming sensation.  I am tired.  Read on for more details. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Oops! Well, I messed up.  I woke with the alarm around 5:30 AM and shut it off.  I told myself I would take 5 more minutes and 35 minutes later woke again with a start.  Since I was running late, I opted to forgo breakfast.  I know this is not smart and something I can't get away with many times, but it wasn't too bad.  I'll try not to do this again.

Day 16 - Review

How do I Feel? I feel much better today than yesterday.  I didn't get as sleepy and wasn't as grumpy although still a bit on the grumpy side.  Read on for more details. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

Day 15 - Review

How do I Feel? Weird day today, I was very tired and grumpy. See more details below. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Twice Baked Sweet Potato with Breakfast Sausage

Day 14 - Review

How do I Feel? Today was a bit of a struggle.  I managed to make it through the day but wasn't as easy as some days.  Read more below.  Meals for Today: Breakfast - Coconut Flour Pancakes

Day 13 - Review

How do I Feel? Today wasn't bad.  I got a little hungry around 10:00 am and again around 6:00 pm, but no real cravings. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Mini Pepperoni Omelet with Bacon

Day 12 - Review

How do I Feel? Not a bad day today, except I definitely broke the diet.  It was for a good cause though so read on below.  Meals for Today: Breakfast - Fried Eggs with Bacon

Day 11 - Review

How do I feel? The slide continues, see below for more details. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

Day 10 - Review

How do I Feel? Hit a bump in the road today. Read on for more information. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Green Berry Smoothie This smoothie consisted of a cup of blueberries. a cup of raspberries, a banana, a 1/2 cup of spinach leaves and 1/4 cup of almond milk.  I didn't doctor it up with whey protein powder like the last smoothie as I didn't think the chocolate flavored whey protein powder would go with the berries.  In spite of that, I didn't get really hungry before lunch and ate a little later than normal. All in all, I'd do this one again.

Day 9 - Review

How do I Feel? This was probably my toughest day so far.  Read below for more details. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Fried Eggs, Bacon, and Sweet Potato Hash

Day 8 - Review

How do I feel? Not a bad day although it's still VERY cold for us here in the South. Meals for Today: Breakfast - 3 egg Omelet with Bacon

Day 7 - Review

How do I feel? I'm cold!   It was about 13 degrees in southern Tennessee this morning and I'm not used to that type of cold.  I will survive, but I'm cold.  Today wasn't a bad day in terms of being hungry.  More details and the weekly summary below. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Perfect Pancakes

Day 6 - Review

How do I feel? Today wasn't a bad day.  I was a bit sleepy in the morning - probably due to some unusual circumstances I'll mention below - but I was never hungry.  I did WANT to munch on stuff all day but managed to fight off that urge. Meals for Today: Breakfast - Baked Banana Bread

Russell Cave National Monument - Bridgeport, AL

Our oldest son, Remiel, wants to visit every national park in the country.  We’re off to a good start having gone to Rocky Mountain, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Arches, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, and Petrified Forest National Parks.  All of those were visited on an epic one-month road trip in the summer of 2012.  Since then, we’ve also visited Great Smoky Mountain and Shenandoah National Parks, and the Chickamauga and Shiloh National Battlefields.  During our last Thanksgiving break, we decided to take a day trip down to Russell Cave National Monument.  It’s not too far from our home in Lynchburg, sitting on the Alabama side of the Alabama-Tennessee border near Bridgeport, AL. 

Day 5 - Review

How do I feel?

Day 4 - Review

How do I feel?

Day 3 - Review

How do I feel?

Day 2 - Review

How do I feel?

Day 1 - Review

How do I feel? Felt pretty good in the morning, but had a low-grade headache and the desire to munch on something in the afternoon.

The Plan

It's time for a change.