Day 5 - Review

How do I feel?

I'm not sure why I choose this photo for today as it doesn't really signify anything.  Overall, it was a pretty good day. 

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Based on another Paleo in 28  recipe. 

Another smoothie?  Well, that's what the plan called for, but I was a little bit worried given the last smoothie experience.  I didn't want to be hungry again all day, so I doctored it up a bit.  I didn't have any almond milk on hand, so just used water.  I still added the two bananas and five or six frozen strawberries, but also decided to add some whey protein as well.  I've read that protein in the morning helps to reduce the sensation of hunger between meals.  The only whey protein I had on hand was chocolate flavored.  So this became a Strawberry Banana Chocolate smoothie. 

I tasted good and was a bit thicker than the last one due to using less liquid. But it's still not very filling.  I'd do it again, though. 

Lunch - Leftover Baked Spaghetti Bolognese

Tasted as good today as it did last night.  It's a keeper!

Dinner - Pineapple Pulled Pork

After work, we went to Walmart to get some stuff.  The whole time both Belle and I were hungry.  By the time we got back home, we were ready to eat.  This hit the spot.  It's a slow-cooker recipe and was very tender.  The pineapple gave it a sweet taste to boot.  It was good, but the whole time I was eating it I was thinking - man, this would be good on a sandwich!  I resisted, though!


  • Apple
  • Blood Orange
  • We also put some bananas, mangoes, apples and strawberries in the dehydrator last night, so I nibbled on some dried fruits as well. 

Exercise for Today:

  • Successfully completed 9 push-ups.
  • Successfully completed 9 sit-ups.
  • "Planked" for 45 seconds - this was a repeat of yesterday's time. 
  • Walked a total of 10,748 steps as of  6 pm.

Daily Summary:

Today was a pretty good day. I didn't get as hungry in the morning (like the last time I did when it was "smoothie day" and also didn't get incredibly sleepy after lunch. I'm still kind of "low energy", but I'm not sure if it's from the diet or from still recovering from the cold. Throw in the fact that it was COLD here in southern Tennessee today and I found myself having to wear an extra sweater all day. But it was a better day than yesterday, so I'm surviving to make it to another.

Stats for today: 

I lost .5 pounds overnight which gives me a 2.1 pound loss to date. This puts me at 21.2 percent of achieving my monthly goal and 5.3 percent towards meeting my overall goal.  Step by step. 


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