Day 29 - Review

How do I Feel?

A very lazy day today for me.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Diet Breakfast

I didn't have a substantial breakfast again today.  It was basically a couple cups of tea and a banana.  No picture necessary!

Lunch - Leftover Chili

The last time that we had made chili, we froze some.  Since today was kind of dank and chilly, I figured it was a good day to break it out again.  It's still good!

Dinner - Pulled Pork Carnitas

This was today's new meal.  It was a recipe from the Whole 30 book I mentioned in a previous post.  Basically, this was a Boston Butt that we put in the Instapot and cooked for about 8 hours.  It came out VERY tender and was quite tasty even though I only seasoned it with salt and pepper.  We have enough left over to feed a small army as it was a 9 pound butt.  I also made up some "Paleo-friendly" tortillas.  These were not the best thing I've ever eaten.  They tasted more like crepes than tortillas.  You can find the recipe here if you're so inclined to try it.  The final part of this was some leftover salad from last night's Flank Steak Salad.  It was a good meal in spite of the eggy tortillas. 


  • banana (for breakfast)
  • apple
  • manderina
  • dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

If yesterday was lazy, today was even lazier.  I just couldn't get fired up to do anything.  Only 4,029 steps as of 7:00 PM.

Daily Summary:

We're getting closer to the end of the month and I feel my will-power weaken.  I did okay today, but I wasn't really feeling it.  That's probably because I was cold all day.  I just couldn't get my hands warm.  Only two day left!

Stats for Today:

I lost .7 pounds overnight.  That puts me down to 14.7 on the month or 146.5 percent of my monthly goal.  For the year, I'm 36.63 percent of the way towards reaching the yearly goal.  Given my lack of exercise today, I do not have high hopes for tomorrow. 


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