Day 25 - Review

How do I Feel?

I was cold for much of the day, even though it's not very cold here.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

Back to an old standby this morning.  I didn't have a lot to eat yesterday and needed something filling, so I an omelet it was.  As always, it was very good. 

Lunch - oops

I had a very busy day today with a lot of meetings.  As a result, I didn't have time to eat lunch.  I'll have to do better tomorrow. 

Dinner - Buffalo Chicken Soup

This was a new dish for us which was supposed to be a lunch a couple of days ago.  It sounded good, so we fired it up.  It was very good and quite filling.  Since I didn't eat much today, it hit the spot.  I'd go back to this one again.


  • 2 manderinas
  • apple

Exercise for Today:

As I stated above, today was a day of meetings.  We're also getting a little rain this evening so I'm calling it a day with 7,167 steps as of 7:22 PM.

Daily Summary: 

An up and down day for me.  I didn't eat much but was never really hungry.  I had a lot of things on my plate today and perhaps that distracted me some. I went to bed very early last night and got a decent night's sleep, so at least I have that going for me. 

Stats for Today:

According to the scale, I lost 3.5 pounds since my previous weigh in.  That doesn't seem right, but I'm not arguing.  It wouldn't surprise me to go back up tomorrow even given the very light amount of food I've eaten today.  We'll see in the morning. 


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