Day 12 - Review

How do I Feel?

Not a bad day today, except I definitely broke the diet.  It was for a good cause though so read on below. 

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Fried Eggs with Bacon

I had two eggs over easy this morning with a couple slices of bacon.  It was good as usual, but I wish I had some toast to sop of the egg yolk with the breakfast.

Lunch - 

Today, we had a special outing at work.  As a reward for the great job that the staff has done on State testing, we took everyone to Miss Mary Bobo's Boarding House which is a local restaurant here in Lynchburg.  I didn't get a picture of the meal, but it consisted of two pieces of fried chicken, rice chili casserole, baked apples with some of the "local product" mixed in the sauce and a piece of pie with whipped cream that also contains some of the "local product."  Everything was very good, but the breading on the fried chicken and rice casserole are definitely not on the menu.  I guess we'll call this a "cheat day."

Supper - Slow-Cooked Salsa Chicken

This is a Paleo in 28 recipe.  It was good, more like a soup than anything else, but tasty.  I'd eat it again.


  • mandarin
  • Apple

Exercise for Today:

  • Completed 15 push-ups
  • Completed 15 sit-ups
  • "Planked" for one minute
  • Completed 11.368 steps by 9:00 PM

Daily Summary: 

Ok, it was a cheat day, but it was for a good cause. The staff at Moore County High School deserved to be treated for all the hard work that they did in the State testing.  I did manage to stop from eating the cornbread at Miss Mary Bobo's even though it was calling my name all during the meal.  I'll hit it hard again tomorrow.

Stats for Today:

I dropped 1.2 pounds overnight to put me back over 50 percent towards reaching the monthly goal.  I'm still .2 pounds away from when I was at my lowest, but I'll get there.  Maybe not after today's cheat day, but I'll get there. 


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