Day 4 - Review

How do I feel?

Before lunch today, I was good: clear mind, lots of energy, very productive. After lunch was another story.  See below for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Two Egg Omelet with Spinach and Bacon

After yesterday's attempt with the smoothie, I decided to head back to an old standby.  The omelet is not only filling (and lasts for awhile energy-wise) but also tasty!

Lunch - Leftover Cobb Salad with Leftover Chicken Strips

It's a salad, what kind of review can I give?  Certainly, it was filling and I enjoyed the leftover cold chicken strips mixed in, but it is a salad!

Dinner - Baked Spaghetti Bolognese

Ground beef, spinach and tomato sauce

Spaghetti squash

This is a recipe from Paleo in 28.

Honestly, I didn't have high expectations for this dish - particularly after I first saw it out of the oven.  But is was surprisingly good.  The tomato sauce dominated the taste of the dish and your could barely even make out the spaghetti squash. Just to let you know how much I liked it, I ate three squares!  I'd eat it again. 


  • Big Green Apple
  • Tangerine
  • Banana

Exercise for Today:

  • Successfully completed 8 push-ups.
  • Successfully completed 8 sit-ups.
  • "Planked" for 45 seconds - this was tough today.  I'll probably repeat this time tomorrow. 
  • Walked a total of 10,748 steps as of  6 pm.

Daily Summary:

Today started strong.  I had a good morning with zero hunger pangs and a lot of energy.  It was so unlike yesterday and frankly quite a relief.  After lunch, however, the day turned.  I got very sleep while working on budget items at my desk.  I'm talking rubber-neck, head bobbing sleepy.  I finally had to get up to move and do something other than work on numbers.  I'm not sure if this is a result of the diet, still getting over the cold I've had for the last three weeks, or a combination of the two.  I did manage to survive and move on successfully to tomorrow.

Stats for today:

  • I lost .2 pounds overnight which is good for 1.6 pounds overall.  That means I am 16% towards achieving my monthly goal loss of 10 pounds.  
In signing off, I want to introduce my cook, the design coordinator of this blog and my lovely wife!  Thanks for all your support babe!


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