Day 22 - Review

How do I Feel?

This was a tough day!  Lots of hunger in the afternoon.  But we had a new dinner and it was good. Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Coconut Flour Pancakes

I went back to the coconut flour pancakes for breakfast today.  The last time I did these, I didn't have any syrup.  This time I was prepared.  I bought real maple syrup.  These are a good pancake substitute.  

Lunch - Kentucky Fried Chicken

Ok, we splurged.  After going grocery shopping this morning, we had no idea what we wanted for lunch.  So we stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken and got a bucket.  I only had one thigh and about a quarter cup of cole slaw.  I did manage to avoid the biscuit and I LOVE their biscuits. So this is probably a fail.  I didn't take a picture because you should know was KFC looks like!

Dinner - Cajun Chicken and Potatoes

This was a new recipe for us and turned out to be very tasty. It's simply chicken thighs, sprinkled with homemade cajun seasoning, chopped up potatoes, peppers, zucchini, onions, and carrots covered with olive oil and baked in the oven.  The cajun spices gave it a little kick but it wasn't too bad.  All in all, a repeater. You can find the recipe here.


  • manderina
  • banana
  • several squares of dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

This has been a bad exercise day.  As of 7:00 PM, I only have 6,869 steps.  Normally, I'd go out for a walk, but we have a lot of rain this evening.  I guess I'll just try to make it up later.  Soon, I hope to start bicycling again but we're probably a month away from that.

Daily Summary:

As I said at the top of this post, this was a tough day.  I didn't eat a lot for lunch and was HUNGRY by the time dinner rolled around. I tried to avoid the KFC and paid the price.  Oh well, live and learn.

Stats for Today:

I did lose 1.1 pounds at the morning weigh-in which nearly made up for yesterday's gain. I'm at 99.4 percent of the monthly goal and 24.85 percent of the yearly goal. 


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