Day 1 - Review

How do I feel?

Felt pretty good in the morning, but had a low-grade headache and the desire to munch on something in the afternoon.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

This recipe is available in the Paleo in 28 book.

Overall, it wasn't too bad.  Consisting of sweet potato, egg, bacon, onion, and garlic takes about an hour and fifteen minutes to put together, so it is definitely a weekend breakfast option or could be used as a side dish for chicken. I would not cook it as long during the twice-baked part as my egg was a little firmer than I usually care for.  I would eat this again.

Lunch - Vegetable Soup

Another recipe from Paleo in 28.

I'll have to admit, that I was not looking forward to this meal.  I have been anti-vegetable nearly my entire life.  (I'll chalk this up to my mother force-feeding green beans to me as a young boy - not literally, but there was a battle of wills when green beans were involved.) This was, however, surprising okay.  Yup, okay.  That's as far as I'll go. The wife had this with rice and enjoyed it.  I could eat this again, although I didn't find it very filling.  Hopefully, it will get me through until dinner.

Dinner - Roasted Whole Chicken, Roasted Broccoli

Another recipe from Paleo in 28.

I looked forward to the chicken all afternoon.  As for the broccoli, well, see my earlier post about vegetables. In the end, I didn't cook the broccoli.  I just ate chicken - which was good - and decided that was good enough.  I know that is a bad thing to do and is not sustainable, so I'll try to do better tomorrow.


  • 10:00 AM - Grapes
  • 3:00 PM - handful of cashews

Exercise for Today:

  • Successfully completed 5 push-ups.
  • Successfully completed 5 sit-ups.
  • "Planked" for 30 seconds. 
  • Walked a total of 10,384 steps as of 6 pm.

Daily Summary:

Not too bad for a first day, but as my wife reminded me, the first day is always the easiest.  We'll check back in tomorrow. 


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