Day 27 - Review

How do I Feel?

It was a tiring day, but not because of anything I ate. Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Sausage Omelet with Bacon

Mixed some leftover breakfast sausage with my omelet this morning.  Lots of protein to start the day. 

Lunch - Leftover Mexican Chicken Burgers

Just like last night, these were so-so.  I ate them, but they weren't great. 

Dinner - Meatballs with Sweet Potatoes

The new meal for the day was these meatballs that were mixed with spinach.  We also baked some potatoes.  I wanted some marinara sauce to go along with them, but we didn't have any.  I settled for barbecue sauce.  It's not Paleo, but it's good! This is okay. I'd eat it again.


  • 2 manderinas
  • apple
  • dark chocolate

Exercise for Today

I was on my feet a lot today and already had my 10,000 steps by the time I got home.  Mix in a trip to tonight's away basketball game and I've ended up with 11,546 steps by 9:30 PM.  My feet are a bit sore from breaking in some new shoes, 

Daily Summary:

I was very busy today, so the day went by quickly.  As I stated above, I was on the go a lot.  When that happens, I do not think a lot about food so it makes it easier. 

Stats for Today:

I lost another .8 pounds overnight so that brings the total weight loss for the month to 13.9 pounds.  I'm comfortably under my 10-pound goal for the month with four more days left. Things are looking good for me to make it, but I need to stay disciplined through Tuesday. 


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