Day 19 - Review

How do I Feel?

It was a cold, rainy day here in Tennessee and I struggled to maintain warmth.  On the food side, I had a case of the munchies in the afternoon.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

Again?  What can I say, I'm a creature of habit.  Actually, Belle had grandiose plans of getting up early and making Paleo-friendly cinnamon rolls.  That plan went out the window when she realized she'd have to get up MUCH earlier than 6:00 AM.  Maybe we'll try those cinnamon rolls over the weekend.

Lunch - Bacon Ranch Salad from McDonald's

This is kind of a sad story.  We took a team to a workshop today and was going to eat out after it was over.  On leaving the workshop, we agreed on going to the Cracker Barrel restaurant.  I dutifully plugged that into Google Maps and was directed to a Cracker Barrel about 7 miles away. Some restaurants are okay to go in and eat as a single person; Cracker Barrel is not one of those restaurants.  So I went to a nearby McDonald's and got a Grilled Chicken Bacon Ranch Salad. Since I'm not hardcore about the dairy, it was my best option.  It wasn't bad, but it was still McDonald's. 

Dinner - Stuffed Hamburger with Roasted Peppers and Eggplant

This recipe comes from Paleo in 28. Stuffed hamburgers are kind of a thing these days and this was okay.  I'm not a huge fan of eggplant, but it was barely noticeable in the burger. The roasted peppers did give it some flavor.  The hardest thing about this dish was getting it cooked properly.  We probably could have made the two patties a little thinner to help out with cooking.  The recipe also calls for grilling but that wasn't possible due to the steady rain.  Again, this was okay.  I'm not sure if I'd repeat. 


  • manderinas
  • dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

This was a crappy day for exercise. I've only completed 6,152 steps as of 7:00 PM and am not in the mood for push-ups and sit-ups.  I'll blame the rain. (Really, I'm just lazy!)

Daily Summary:

As I stated above, it was cold and rainy today and my mood was probably affected more by the weather than I want to admit. It wasn't a bad day, but the cravings in the afternoon caused me to eat more dark chocolate than I should have. I woke up last night to a growling stomach and left a little hungry.  It wasn't enough for me to get up but it was noticeable.  It's not been one of my better days for sure. 

Stats for Today:

On a positive side, I did lose 1.2 pounds overnight which puts me at 9.3 pounds of loss for the month.  That's  92.8 percent of the way towards my monthly goal and 23.2 percent towards the yearly goal.  I fully expect to gain tomorrow given my lack of discipline in the afternoon. 


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