Day 18 - Review

How do I Feel?

Today wasn't bad at all.  Read on for more information.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

If you've been actually following these meals, I'm sure this one will shock you.  I went back to the trusty omelet with bacon this morning.  I like this, can you tell?

Lunch - Egg and Bacon Salad

We had some left-over Egg and Bacon Salad, so that became today's lunch. It had started to get a little watery but I managed to get it down. It was filling if not very inspiring.

Dinner - Lemon Buttery Cod

I'm not a big fish guy so I wasn't really looking forward to this meal. Belle, on the other hand, likes fish so this meal was for her. It was supposed to be served with mashed cauliflower but we ran out of that so it didn't happen.  All-in-all, it wasn't bad.  I could eat it again but would want something else to go along with it.


  • manderina
  • apple
  • 2 bananas
  • a little bit of 86 percent dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

  • Completed 16 push-ups
  • Completed 16 sit-ups
  • "Planked" for 60 seconds
  • Walked 11,882 steps as of 8 PM (including a 2.25-mile walk this evening.)

Daily Summary:

Today was fairly easy; no real hunger pangs, headaches or other maladies. I did get a little sleepy in the afternoon but it was nothing that a quick lap around school couldn't take care of.  

Stats for Today:

I lost 1.1 pounds during the morning weigh-in, so the yo-yo movements of the last couple of days continues.  That puts me at 8.1 pounds of loss so far.  I'm 80.5 percent along the way towards my monthly goal of 10 pounds of weight loss and 20.13 percent towards the yearly goal of 40 pounds. My average daily weight loss in January has been -.47 pounds per day.  Let's see what tomorrow brings. 


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