Day 11 - Review

How do I feel?

The slide continues, see below for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

I was running about 10 minutes late this morning as the bed had a firm grip on my body.  Under pressure, I reverted to an old stand-by - the omelet with bacon.  It's always good.

Lunch - Egg and Spinach Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

Belle whipped up this salad last night before we went to bed.  She also made a lemon vinaigrette to go along with it.  The recipe was from Paleo in 28.  It was good, but the dressing left an odd taste in my mouth.  However, I was HUNGRY when I had lunch, so I needed food.

Supper - Meatloaf with Leftover Egg and Spinach Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

This is another Paleo in 28 recipe.  It's just a meatloaf that's made with almond flour and no ketchup.  It's not bad, and I'm not a huge fan of meatloaf. I would eat it again.  We paired it with leftover Egg and Spinach salad and it was a decent meal.  Remiel even said he liked it!


The only snack I had today was a couple squares of dark chocolate.  I was punishing myself for the reasons below.

Exercise for Today

  • Completed 14 push-ups.
  • Competed 14 sit-ups.
  • Planked for 55 seconds - a repeat of the last couple of days. 
  • As of 8 pm, I had 11, 973 steps, but had to go on a walk of 2.43 miles to get there. 

Daily Summary:

I did pretty good today until I hit the dark chocolate when I got home.  I wasn't really hungry or didn't have a huge desire to nibble on something.  I still remain a little tired when I get home from work, but a 30 minute nap seems to do the trick.

Stats for Today:

I'm going in the wrong direction.  On this morning's weigh-in, I gained another pound.  I'm down to 38.6 percent towards my monthly goal as of today.  So I kind of punished myself today by going without snacks.  We've been dehydrating a lot of fruit lately and I've been eating it pretty good.  Let's see if that helps in the morning at weigh-in. 


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