Day 9 - Review

How do I Feel?

This was probably my toughest day so far.  Read below for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Fried Eggs, Bacon, and Sweet Potato Hash

A different way to have eggs this morning.  These were fried over-easy and combined with bacon and the sweet potato hash.  Overall, a good meal and filling. 

Lunch - Leftover Pot Roast

Leftover pot roast was on the menu for lunch today (I didn't get a picture of the actual meal, but it was from this bad boy.)  Sometimes leftovers heat up well, sometimes, they do not.  This meal did not reheat well. I don't know if I got a couple of tough slices or it I got part of the pot roast that was a bit over-cooked.  I managed to get enough down to kind of satisfy me but I've had better lunches. 

Dinner - 30 minute Chili

This recipe was from Paleo in 28

I looked forward to this recipe for a couple of days.  I'm a big fan of chili and new I wanted this. While it was okay, I much prefer my personal recipe for chili and would make it up the next time (sans beans.)  This was really just ground beef and tomatoes with some chili seasoning.  I also believe that chili needs to cook a little longer than 30 minutes in order for all the flavors to meld together.  I'd eat this again but would use my own recipe.


  • apple
  • tangerines

Exercise for Today:

  • Completed 12 push-ups
  • Completed 12 sit-ups
  • "Planked" for 55 seconds (a repeat of yesterday's time)
  • Completed 11,732 steps as of 8 PM

Daily Summary: 

I really struggled today.  It wasn't because I was really hungry because I wasn't.  But I wanted to eat SOMETHING almost all day long. I had the urge to nibble.  I fought it off for the most part by drinking water and eating fruit, but it wasn't very satisfying. I kept thinking about the chili for dinner and wanted a big piece of cornbread to go along with it.  Crackers sounded fantastic today for some reason, in fact, any type of bread would have hit the spot.  I didn't succumb, so survived to go on to another day. 

Stats for Today:

Last night I lost another .7 pounds for a total weight loss of 5.2 pounds today.  That goes over the 50 percent mark towards meeting the monthly weight loss goal of 10 pounds - I'm currently sitting at 52.3 percent.  I'm now 13.08 percent towards achieving the yearly goal of 40 pounds of weight loss. 


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