Day 26 - Review

How do I Feel?

Well, I guess yesterday was for real.  Read on for more details

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Tropical Green Smoothie

It was another smoothie type of morning.  Why did I go back to this one?  Well, I have bags of pineapple and mango in the freezer and need to use it.  Besides that, it's good.  Belle likes it too as I had some leftover from my meal and left it for her. 

Lunch - Leftover Buffalo Chicken Soup

I had a late lunch today as I was in an out-of-town meeting.  I ALMOST ate on the road but forced myself to wait until I got back to work.  This was as good as last night. 

Dinner - Mexican Chicken Burgers

This was our new meal for the day.  It's a recipe from Paleo in 28 and is basically just ground chicken with taco seasoning that is either grilled or fried.  Since it's a bit chilly this evening, we fried ours.  There was also supposed to be a guacamole spread to go on these, but our avocados were too hard.  That got put off until later. This was an okay meal, but a little bland.  I could eat it again but it wouldn't be a "must-have" meal. 


  • manderina
  • apple
  • dark chocolate square

Exercise for Today:

I got in 10,640 steps today but needed a 1.44-mile walk this evening to get to that point.  That's only important because it's cold (for me) outside and I didn't want to go.  Sacrifices....

Daily Summary:

I was a little hungry in the morning, but that was probably due to my late lunch.  Tonight, as I write this up, I still feel a little hungry in spite of eating 3 chicken burgers with the salsa. So far, I've been able to control this feeling without too much of a problem.  I do feel like doubling-down hard the last two day have paid off but I'll talk more about that below. 

Stats for Today:

It looks as of yesterday's big loss was no fluke as I lost another 1.5 pounds again at this morning's weigh-in.  That makes 13.1 pounds of loss for this month.  I'm done about 18 pounds from my all-time high which took place just before Christmas last year. Currently, I'm at 130.9 percent towards my monthly goal of 10 pounds of weight loss and at 32.7 percent towards my yearly goal of 40 pounds of loss.  This is a great start, but I still have 5 more days this month.  Once I finish, I'll back off on the severity of the diet and start to slowly incorporate some grains back into the diet.  I'm still going to try to avoid the sugars and grains for the most part, but a nice thin-crust pizza now and again sounds tasty right now. 


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