Day 7 - Review

How do I feel?

I'm cold!   It was about 13 degrees in southern Tennessee this morning and I'm not used to that type of cold.  I will survive, but I'm cold.  Today wasn't a bad day in terms of being hungry.  More details and the weekly summary below.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Perfect Pancakes

This is a recipe from Paleo in 28.

I had high hopes for this meal.  I love pancakes and the opportunity to have some had my mouth watering.  But this recipe did not come together well.  It calls for arrowroot flour, almond meal, cinnamon, baking powder, eggs and coconut milk.  We didn't have arrowroot flour, so I substituted coconut flour instead. After putting everything together, I didn't have a batter.  In fact, the mixture was bone dry.  So I started adding water until it became somewhat like a batter.  In the end, it didn't cook like or come close to tasting like pancakes. I ate it, but it was a struggle.  I need to get some arrowroot flour to see if the coconut flour was the cause of the problem. The only saving grace was that I put blueberries into the mixture as well.  At least I got that sweet taste.

The jury is still out on this one since I didn't follow the recipe as written.  I hope that it works, because, well, pancakes!

Lunch - Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

The menu in Paleo in 28 called for Bacon and Cauliflower Soup.  This did not sound appealing to me at all, so I opted for good ole bacon and eggs.  Belle did go ahead and cook the soup and she found that it was okay but very watery.  She said she'd eat it again, but would prefer to have it with rice.

Bacon-Cauliflower Soup

Dinner - Chili Lime Flat Iron Steak with Honey Baked Sweet Potatoes. 

This was a good meal!  I love flat iron steak and the only problem was it was too cold outside (in the teens) to fire up the grill.  As it was, the meal was good, and the sweet potatoes awesome.  I needed this after the other meals from today.  Definitely a keeper!


  • tangerine
  • banana
  • home-dried apple fruit roll up 

Exercise for Today:

  • Successfully completed 10 push-ups.
  • Successfully completed 10 sit-ups.
  • "Planked" for 50 seconds 
  • Completed 6,970 steps as of 9 pm (it was VERY cold here today - in the teens for much of the day - so I didn't get outside.  It's scheduled to start warming up for the rest of the week, so I should be able to get my steps in after work if I do not get them during the day. 

Daily Summary:

I wasn't really hungry today, but still had that sensation that I wanted to gnaw on something. Whenever this feeling has arisen, I've gone to get a bottle of water.  Of course, the result of that is MANY trips to the bathroom. Hopefully, tomorrow's breakfast and lunch are better than today's.

Stats for today:

Overnight, I lost 1.6 pounds, my biggest drop of the week.  That puts me at 42.6 percent towards reaching the monthly goal and 10.65 percent towards reaching the yearly goal.  Tomorrow, might be one of those gain or hold even days.  I also measured my waist since it was the end of the week and found that I had lost one inch there.  I can definitely feel that in my pants. 

Today completes the first seven days on the diet.  Other than feeling a more tired than unusual, it wasn't a bad week. 


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