Day 30 - Review

How do I Feel?

Still feeling the cold today, although it wasn't as bad as yesterday.  Only one more day of diet (and daily blog posts) after this.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Cheese Omelet with Bacon

Since this is the only meal that was originally cooked today, it got the honor of the lead picture.  But hey, it's an omelet, a good omelet, but an omelet nonetheless.

Lunch - Leftover Flank Steak Salad

We're trying to clean out all of the leftovers in the refrigerator, so this became today's lunch.  Even rewarmed, the flank steak is still good. 

Dinner - Leftover Chili

Yup, more leftovers.  Don't worry, we have a yet-to-be-made-this-month recipe ready for tomorrow. 


  • 2 manderina
  • apple
  • dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

I was up and about all day today.  It was very busy so I've already reached the 10,000 step mark at 6:00 PM with 10,829. 

Daily Summary:

Outside of being a bit cold this evening, this hasn't been a bad day.  Busy days make thinking (or not thinking) about food easier to do. I did go to the doctor today and, in addition to my weight loss, both my blood sugar and blood pressure are in really good shape.  I'm still on the blood pressure medicine (but hadn't taken it since I ran out on Saturday) and it doesn't look like he'll put me on diabetes medication for now. 

Stats for Today:

I only lost .3 pounds at the morning weigh-in, but that puts me at 14.9 pounds for the month.  Even at the weight check at the doctor's office, I was near my morning weight.  I'd like to get to 15 pounds by Wednesday morning's weigh-in - the final one for the month - but I'm not going to kill myself to get there.  I think I've had a pretty good month, but would like to finish strong. 


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