Day 3 - Review

How do I feel?

I have felt hungry most of the day.  Not, weak-kneed, dizzy hungry, but just a sense that I WANTED to eat something.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Tropical Fruit Smoothie

This recipe is from Paleo in 28. 

This smoothie is a mixture of mango, pineapple, banana, and spinach. It was fairly sweet and went down real easy.  The biggest problem is that I didn't feel full.  The rest of the morning, I was really hungry.  I was able to soldier through that, but it wasn't fun.  I'd repeat this, but maybe with something else to give it more substance. 

Lunch - Cobb Salad

Another recipe from Paleo in 28.

It's a salad, what else can I say?  Actually, after a morning spent being really hungry, this was good.  It is definitely repeatable. 

Dinner - Chicken Fingers with Sweet Potato French Fries

Another recipe from Paleo in 28.

By the time I got home from work, I was hungry.  Belle cooked this up fairly quickly and it was tasty.  The sweet potato fries were supposed to be both sweet and spicy, but I couldn't pick up much spice.  The chicken strips were made with an almond flour "breading".  It was okay as well.  Overall, I'd do this one again as well. 


I made a big mistake today and forgot to pack healthy snacks.  I struggled all day long wanting to nibble on something with nothing available.  This is a mistake not to repeat. 

Exercise for Today:

  • Successfully completed 7 push-ups.
  • Successfully completed 7 sit-ups.
  • "Planked" for 40 seconds. 
  • Walked a total of 10,335 steps as of 9 pm.

Daily Summary:

This was the toughest day so far - and it's only day 3.  I was hungry for much of the day, having forgotten my snacks but managed to make it through until I got home and had a good supper. This was also a "late-work" night as we had a home game so I didn't get back until around 9:00 PM.  That was actually a good thing as I was running behind on my steps and was able to get them in around the games. All in all, I'm glad today is over.  Tomorrow is another day!

Stats to date:

I lost .4 pounds overnight for a total of 1.5 pounds in a couple of days.  I've kept on pace with my (weak) exercise routine, so that's a plus!


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