Day 23 - Review

How do I Feel?

Another "yo-yo" day with a lot of hunger in the afternoon.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

My wife tells me all the time that I'm not very original.  I keep doing the same things over again.  She's got a point if you've been watching my breakfasts. It doesn't matter because I like it. 

Lunch - Leftover Cajun Chicken with Potatoes and Peppers

This was pretty good again today.  The spices didn't come through as well as they did last night, but it was still good.

Dinner - "Paleo" Pizza

Here's today's highlight.  We were supposed to have chicken and broccoli stir fry but I was jonesing for pizza.  Belle suggested that I look up a recipe online and this is what I came up with.  If you've been following along, you know that I'm not real big on doing the dairy side of the Paleo thing.  The crust was a coconut flour/almond meal mixture that you have to pre-bake before topping.  I didn't have pizza sauce so improvised with tomato sauce and Italian spices.  The meats were leftover breakfast sausage and pepperoni. If you're interested in the original recipe, you can find it here.  In terms of ending my pizza craving, it did okay.  The crust needs a little work, but it will do in a pinch.


  • grapes
  • apple
  • 2 squares dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

I got my steps in today by finishing the day with a 1.48-mile walk.  That put me at 12,217 steps as of 8:00 PM.

Daily Summary:

As I mentioned above, I got really hungry this afternoon.  I was able to stave it off by drinking a lot of water.  I didn't really get sleepy or tired, just big-time hungry. 

Stats for Today:

The weight yo-you continues as I gained .6 pounds at this morning's weigh-in.  That puts me back at 93.4 percent of my monthly goal.  Let's see what tomorrow brings. 


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