Day 16 - Review

How do I Feel?

I feel much better today than yesterday.  I didn't get as sleepy and wasn't as grumpy although still a bit on the grumpy side.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Omelet with Bacon

I had grandiose plans of making Paleo friendly cinnamon rolls this morning, but those went up in smoke or was it laziness?  While they sounded good, I opted for easy and went with an old stand-by.  I have a high capacity for eating the same things over and over again.  Don't try this at home if you do not!

Lunch - Egg and Bacon Salad

The plan was to have leftover short ribs but there wasn't nearly enough.  So I took one for the team and opted for a salad.  

Dinner - Chili

I made up a HUGE batch of chili in the InstaPot.  This is my own recipe and I did include a can of black beans that we had in the pantry.  So I'm breaking the strict-Paleo thing but I'm not real strict in any area except for flour product.  It's been 16 days since I've had bread or crackers.  Crackers would have been awesome with this meal.  I plan to freeze some of this and dehydrate some to use on camping trips later in the year. 


  • 1 banana
  • 4 or 5 manderinas

Exercise for Today:

  • Completed 17 push-ups
  • Completed 17 sit-ups
  • "Planked" for 60 seconds
  • Completed 11,722 steps as of 8 PM (this includes a 3.1 mile walk this evening.)

Daily Summary:

Overall, this was a pretty good day.  We did have the day off due to the Martin Luther King Jr holiday and I have found that being at home messes up my routine more than being at work. Today, however, wasn't bad at all.  No hunger pangs, no real cravings and no drowsiness.  

Stats for Today:

In spite of my belief yesterday that I may gain weight during this morning's weigh-in, I managed to drop 1.2 pounds overnight.  That means I've lost 7.7 pounds since January 1 and am 76.6 percent towards achieving the monthly goal of 10 pounds.  There's still a long way to go, but I feel I'm off to a good start. 


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