Day 21 - Review

How do I Feel?

A little backslide today, but a new keeper for dinner.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Dark Chocolate Coconut Chia Pudding

I gained a little weight at the morning weigh-in so decided to "punish" myself by eating light.  We had made this dessert for dinner a couple of nights ago (yes, I forgot to log it) and I was the only one who ended up liking it.  Well, liking it may be a bit much.  Tolerate it is more like it.  I have been munching on dark chocolate when I get a sweet tooth craving and have begun to like it.  This was okay, and it might be better if we made the Coconut Milk Whipped Cream that is supposed to go along with it.  I'd eat it again, but I don't think anyone else would. The recipe came from this link.

Lunch - Leftover Chili

We tried to clean out the refrigerator today in anticipation of going to the grocery store tomorrow.  I finished up the chili; Belle finished the leftover tacos.  Additionally, I dehydrated some of both dishes for future camping use.  It was even better today than the first day it was made!

Dinner - Pan-Fried Rib-eye with Chimichurri Sauce

This was a new recipe from Paleo in 28.  I really enjoyed the flavors of the rub and the Chimichurri sauce.  Unfortunately, my rib-eye was really fatty, so that part was not as enjoyable.  I would definitely do this one again. 

Exercise for Today:

No sit-ups or push-ups today and I only have 8.545 steps as of 10:00 PM.  And that's after walking 3.12 miles this evening.  Needless to say it was kind of a lazy day. 

Daily Summary:

As I stated above, it was a lazy day.  I didn't get out and do much and was in kick-back mode most of the day.  I'm sure a lot of that was due to my 16 hour day yesterday.  If I hadn't got out and walked this evening, it would have been really ugly. 

Stats for Today:

As I alluded to above, I gained weight today - 1.2 pounds in fact.  So yesterday's cheating really showed up.  I think I hit it hard again today, but we'll see in the morning.  That drops me back down to 88.5 percent towards achievement of the monthly goal.  I did lose another 1/4 inch off my waistline which makes for an inch and 3/4 to date.  Starting week 4 tomorrow and I'm confident that I'll be able to hit and maintain my monthly goal. 


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