Day 20 - Review

How do I Feel?

Hit a milestone this morning.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Oops again. 

I didn't have breakfast again this morning.  I had planned on having the BBQ Baked Potato for lunch, so opted to forego breakfast.  Again, I know this isn't good, but I was celebrating a bit. 

Lunch - BBQ Baked Potato

Since I was celebrating, I decided to have this for lunch.  It was DELICIOUS.  Almost everything - except for the BBQ sauce - are things I've been eating anyways.  It may not look like it, but this thing is BIG.  It's from a local BBQ joint called BarrelHouse BBQ.  It's a much do if you come to Lynchburg. 

Dinner - Tacos

I didn't get a picture of supper, but we attended a fundraiser for the football team.  They had a taco bar at school and I did mine without shells and gave my dessert to Zachary. 


  • 2 manderinas
  • 1 apple

Exercise for Today:

This has not been a good day for exercise.  As of 10:00 PM, I have 11.692 steps and will get some more in the next hour or so.  No push-ups, sit-ups or planking today. 

Daily Summary:

This has been a long day.  I got to school about 6:30 this morning and am still here as I write this at 10:15 PM.  I did get about 45 minutes at home before we had to come back tonight.  This is the side of education that people simply do not see.  While 16 hour days aren't common, they are plentiful enough.  In spite of all this, and how tired it has made me feel, I haven't had a bad day hunger-wise. 

Stats for Today:

Here's the most exciting thing.  I lost another .6 pounds overnight and am now down 10.1 pounds.  It's not even three weeks into January and I've reached the goal.  I'm not stopping here for the month, and I may wobble a bit, but I'm here. 


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