Day 28 - Review

How do I Feel?

This was kind of a lazy day and I didn't get after it too hard.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Oops

I didn't really have breakfast, just a tangerine and a cup of tea with honey.

Lunch - McDonald's Bacon Ranch Salad

While it looked fairly nice outside today, it was rather chilly.  Around noon, Belle decided that we should go to the local McDonald's so the kids could play in the play area.  My only real option there is this salad.  I got it with grilled chicken, so it wasn't the worst thing in the world. Meanwhile, she ate chicken nuggets.  Sometimes, life isn't fair. 

Dinner - Flank Steak Salad

This recipe came from the book Whole 30 by Melissa and Dallas Hartwig.  There was a cilantro/lime marinade that we made about an hour in advance.  In spite of the chilly weather, I fired up the grill to cook the steak.  There's not much better than grilled flank steak.  After that, we threw it on top of some romaine lettuce with cut-up cherry tomatoes.  It was good. 


  • manderina (I'm not sure I should count this as it was actually breakfast.)
  • dark chocolate

Exercise for Today:

 I didn't get much exercise in today as I was goofing around on the computer for most of the day trying to set up a home automatic program.  By 10:00 pm I only have 7,406 steps.  I'll do better tomorrow. 

Daily Summary:

Again, today was rather lazy.  I did okay food-wise but dropped the ball in the exercise department.  There are only three days left so I better get after it hard tomorrow. 

Stats for Today:

I stayed almost exactly the same weight as yesterday at this morning's weigh-in.  I think I was up .001 pounds.  On a positive note, I did my weekly check in for the waistline and lost 3/4 of an inch from last week.  That's a good thing. 


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