Day 17 - Review

How do I Feel?

As I write this post around 9:00 PM, I have one, overwhelming sensation.  I am tired.  Read on for more details.

Meals for Today:

Breakfast - Oops!

Well, I messed up.  I woke with the alarm around 5:30 AM and shut it off.  I told myself I would take 5 more minutes and 35 minutes later woke again with a start.  Since I was running late, I opted to forgo breakfast.  I know this is not smart and something I can't get away with many times, but it wasn't too bad.  I'll try not to do this again.

Lunch - Leftover Chili

I had leftover chili from last night's supper for lunch.  I don't know what it is about the chemistry of chili but it gets better with age.  Then again, I was REALLY hungry by the time lunch rolled around so maybe that played a role.  Anyway, it was good.

Dinner - Taco Salad and Cauliflower Rice

This too was very good, but I LOVE tacos.  Even without the shells or tortillas, this was good.  Belle made up some cauliflower rice and we just ate it in bowls.  After I left to go to the basketball game tonight, she let Remiel eat it with taco shells.  At least she saved me the suffering of watching him eat taco shells!  I'd eat this again in a heartbeat. 


  • 2 manderinas
  • apple
  • banana
  • a couple of small chunks of 86% dark chocolate.

Exercise for Today:

I'm so tired tonight, that I'm not exercising.  I'll try to pick it back up again tomorrow. As of this time, I have 10, 039 steps for today.

Daily Summary

As I said above, I'm tired this evening.  One would be tempted to blame it on not having breakfast, but I was never really fatigued during the day.  I got a little headache (and I mean little) around 10:00 am, but went into a meeting and forgot about it. I think I'm tired due more to a 12 hour day than anything else. 

Stats for Today:

I gained .7 pounds at this morning's weigh-in.  I'm not sure this is accurate because the scale went lower than yesterday's weight first and then bounced back up. That bump sends me back to a 7-pound loss to date which is69.9 percent towards achieving the monthly goal.  That's a bit disappointing, but I'll get back on the horse tomorrow. 


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